Bringing the body of Christ together in our neighborhoods

Bring neighbors together in Christ.

Get to know your Christian neighbors and find opportunities to connect.
The Church is not a building. It is God’s living body of believers. Let’s live out our faith in connection with all the members of the body in addition to the congregation we see on Sunday. Believers are everywhere! They’re on our blocks, at work, in the schools, at our parks, and in restaurants, walking down our sidewalks, and shopping in our local stores. Imagine being able to engage authentically with other Christians any day of the week, everywhere. 

Shore up local church efforts.

Churches struggle to fill volunteer roles for the projects that serve our communities. Find needs that you can fill on your schedule, balanced with your family and other responsibilities. Discover areas where your specific expertise could make a difference.

Draw on the strengths of individual church bodies.

Amazing things are happening in so many congregations across the community. Home groups, bible studies, worship nights, guest speakers, pulpit teachings, and more. Please share your faith opportunities for believers looking to get involved in a specific way that God has laid on their hearts.

Live an infectious testimony of faith.

Ultimately, it’s all about Jesus. No matter what is happening in our world, we know that where two or more are gathered in His name, his presence abounds. As believers in Christ, we can enjoy the gift of his fellowship and reach unbelievers simply by the way we live in a relationship with one another.

News & Events

Share your events and service needs with local believers. Contact us!

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What Is the Church?

When most people hear the word church they probably think of a building. Maybe it is a fancy building or a simple building where believers gather. But biblically speaking, a church is much more than a building. In fact, some would say that the church is not a building at...

The Benefits Of Giving

The Benefits Of Giving

Quisque eros leo, pellentesque id leo non, scelerisque hendrerit mauris. Integer dapibus purus in aliquet vehicula. In laoreet justo ac sapien malesuada laoreet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. The Benefits Of Giving Aenean sit amet arcu leo. Donec erat nulla, condimentum eget velit...


We host webinars periodically for members to share ideas and gather support for neighborhood Christ centered activities. If God has laid it on your heart to begin serving in your neighborhood, or perhaps you have a heart for spreading God’s word, please join Activate, the mastermind group for change makers.


Fellowship of Christian Neighbors thanks our ambassadors that contribute their time, talent, and passion for Jesus.